Monday, August 11, 2008

"Crap, I have nothing to eat!"

I didn't get to the grocery store yesterday, I didn't plan our meals...I knew that I was starting a new diet...yet had done NO planning! I was determined however to figure a way to serve Chad and I something nutritious, low cal, and low fat for breakfast. I went to my fridge, and thought "Crap, I have nothing to eat!" Then I started digging around settled on making a frittata (fancy word for baked omelet). I found an onion, bell pepper, cilantro, left over flank steak and some eggs...I sauteed the bell pepper and onion in a little bit of olive oil, sea salt, black pepper, crushed red pepper and a squeeze of some fresh lemon. While that was cooking up, I chopped up a handful of left over flank steak, and a handful of cilantro, then added that to 5 beaten eggs. I added my egg mixture to my veggies, then popped it into a 400 degree oven until the top was set. Here is the finished product! Let me tell you it was AWESOME! You could taste hints of lemon and the tang of the lemon jelled so well with the cilantro and the steak...then there was the sweetness of the bell pepper and onions...and the ever so slight heat from the crushed red peppers comes was soooo yummy!!!

This is only one quarter of it...Chad and I each had two quarters, but really the only major calories were from the eggs and handful of flank steak (which is very lean), and the small amount of olive oil...veggie calories don't count in my world!
We paired it with some cantaloupe and we are off to healthy start to our day!!!
Try it, you won't be disappointed!!!

Okay, maybe wimps is a strong word!

I should start a blog for everyone that always asks for my recipes...but everyone that knows me knows that I really don't follow exact recipes, I have nothing written down, and everything is measured with a handfuls and pinches and taste tests! So my cutest friend in the world, Stacy, said I should name my blog "recipes are for wimps" so I guess you can blame her if you are offended!

As I start on yet another attempt at eating healthy, I thought that sharing the journey with what I am cooking at home would be fun and keep me passionate about healthy cooking. (I am ALWAYS passionate about's the "healthy" part I sometimes struggle with!)

I hope that you are inspired to dig around kitchen and throw stuff together with a handful of this and a pinch of that so you too can know that RECIPES ARE FOR WIMPS!!!